lunes, 29 de abril de 2024

Multiple intelligences part III.

 Hi everyone, hope you're doing great, this last week we continue with the presentations and we had our midterm!!

1. Existencial Intelligence by Katia's group

capacity or ability of an individual to understand and contemplate philosophical topics relating to mankind’s existence.

Some characteristics of this intelligence:

  • Have a long-term outlook
  • Consider how current actions influence future outcomes
  • Interest in questions about the meaning of life and death

Some activities you can do are:

  • Play the Big Questions Game
  • Read Books in Different Languages
  • Spend Time in Nature

2. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence by Celeste's group

Linguistic intelligence means the ability to use language and exhibit the ability be sensitive to words and languages. 

Linguistically intelligent people are often people who want to understand and explore language. These types of people love words and imagery, and can express that through language. These people are often actors, writers, or poets.

Some characteristics are:

  • Remember written and spoken information
  • Enjoy reading and writing
  • Debate or give persuasive speeches

3. Mathematical-Logical Intelligence by Fabiola's group

People who are strong in logical-mathematical intelligence are good at reasoning, recognizing patterns, and logically analyzing problems.

Some characteristics are: 

  • Have excellent problem-solving skills
  • Enjoy thinking about abstract ideas
  • Like conducting scientific experiments

Finally, on thursday we had our midterm, was kinda easy.😓

That's pretty much all, thank you, take care!!

lunes, 22 de abril de 2024

Multiple Intelligences presentations part II.

 Hi everyone, hope you're doing great, this week we continued with the presentations

 but first, I'm going to show you a small collage of the week!!👀

1. Kinesthetic Intelligence by Iliana's group

Basically, this intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills.  Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and crafts people exhibit well-developed bodily kinesthetic intelligence.

Activities we made in class: Dancing following instructions

2. Interpersonal intelligence by Cindy's group

it refers to the ability of a person to relate well with people and manage relationships. It enables people to understand the needs and motivations of those around them.

Many teachers, counselors, and politicians are good examples of people with high interpersonal intelligence. Famous leaders such as Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. also display this type of intelligence.

Some characteristics: Listen carefully to others, Start conversations with strangers easily, Have a large circle of friends.

Activity: Guessing emotions, medals with characteristics, and interact with our classmates.


3. Intrapersonal Intelligence by Emmanuel's group

Intrapersonal intelligence definition is about the capacity to explore one's inner world and feelings. This type of intelligence can help a person focus on planning and managing their life. 

Activities for people with intrapersonal intelligence: Meditation sessions for brainstorming or studying, Keep a journal, self-care rituals

Some characteristics:

They start getting to know other people by getting to know themselves, they enjoy being alone and dealing with something alone, their intuition is strong. 

Activities: meditation practice, play team games to dramatize.

4. Naturalistic Intelligence by Soad's group

Naturalistic intelligence is the ability to identify, observe, categorize, understand, and manipulate natural elements like plants, animals, and the environment. People with high naturalistic intelligence are interested in nurturing, exploring, and learning about the environment and other species. 

Some characteristics: Love of nature, Motivation to understand how things work, Caring for animals

Activities for Naturalistic Intelligence: Going on nature walks, Watching nature-related documentaries, Take care of plants at home

Activities in classes: recycling game, team games on kahoot

That's pretty much all, thank you my friends, see you soon!!👀❤

lunes, 15 de abril de 2024

Multiple intelligences-presentations

 Hi everyone, this week we had our presentations, many groups talked about multiple intelligences, let's see what they did!!

1. Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence by Regina's group

Basically, this intelligence teaches us the art of speaking and expressing ourselves well, some of the characteristics of this intelligence are:

-speaking skills


-Likes to read and write

Some of the activities that can be implemented to improve this intelligence are: participating in debates, discussions, reading more, among others.

Speaking of this, for the classroom activity, a small debate was organized to elect a student president, we joined in groups and then voted, the winner was our classmate Stefany. 

2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence by Fatima's group

This, as its name implies, is the intelligence that easily understands and analyzes mathematical concepts. Some of the characteristics persons with this intelligence possess are 

-They use critical thinking to solve problems

-They like analogies

-They look for patterns and relationships between objects

Among the activities that people with this intelligence develop are puzzles, problem solving, questions and answers, among others. 

Class exercise we did:

3. Musical Intelligence-  by Alejandra's group

Basically, this one is the ability to compose, learn, and perform musical patterns. It involves sensitivity to sounds and vibrations. People with high musical intelligence understand and express themselves through music. They can produce and appreciate music, identify distinct musical notes, and may think in rhythms or melodies. 

Some of the characteristics are:

-Appreciating musically

-Composing and writing music

-Playing musical instruments, among others.

They also talked about the job opportunities

from music teacher, singer, songwriter to music producer, etc. 

The activity we played was (guess the song and find the right element)

Last but not least, my group that presented on Thursday 11!!
4- Visual-Spatial Intelligence

 Is the ability to form a mental model of a spatial world and to maneuver and operate using this model. It is the sensitivity that a person can have to color, lines, shapes, space, and relationships between these elements.

We also have:

Some activities you can do as a person with visual-spatial intelligence:

-Play Pictionary.

-Works with puzzles and Rubik’s cube

-Build 3D structures with Legos, Minecraft, or 3D construction objects.

As a class activity, we did not one but 4 activities, the first one was reading a story and then answering questions, then a memory game, then a tangram puzzle and finally a pictionary, we also gave prizes!

I think that's pretty much all, thank you, pals, take care!!

Me and my group!!❤

lunes, 8 de abril de 2024

David Kolb's model

 Hi everyone, I hope you're doing great! This week we studied a new learning style, the kolb's learning style

Kolb’s experiential learning style theory is typically represented by a four-stage learning cycle in which the learner “touches all the bases”:

Experiential learning theory is about learning by doing. Developed by psychologist David Kolb, the theory describes the learning process whereby knowledge is created through experience. 

Kolb’s learning styles are:
  • Diverging – In this learning style, learners focus on concrete experience and reflective observation. They prefer to watch and reflect on what they’ve observed before jumping in. 
  • Assimilating – This learning style incorporates learners who favor abstract conceptualization and reflective observation. They like using analytical models to explore, and prefer concepts and abstract ideas.
  • Converging – Learners using this learning style focus on abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. They like to solve problems and enjoy applying learning to practical issues.
  • Accommodating – Learners using this learning style favor concrete experience and active experimentation. They relish a challenge and use intuition to solve problems.

I took the test, and I'll show you my results

I strongly agree with my result, as I am a person who must put everything into practice, I like to reflect on problems and also solve them in a very rational way. 

That's all, thank you, pals, see you soon!✌

lunes, 1 de abril de 2024

Learning styles

 Vacation week, finally a break, and it's time to take full enjoy it, don't drink too much by the way!🥂🌞🌊

Before the long-awaited vacation, we were studying learning styles

Learning styles are derived from Howard Gardner’s 1960s theory of Multiple Intelligences. It states that: “We are all able to know the world through language, logical-mathematical analysis, spatial representation, musical thinking, the use of the body to solve problems or make things, an understanding of other individuals, and an understanding of ourselves.”

We have been doing some tests to determine what type of learning styles we have!

I am a visual learner, I really agree, as I am an observer and I learn while I have visuals or clear indications about something. At the same time, I am a kinesthetic learner, as I always have to be moving to keep my mind busy.

Before I finish, a little bit about my vacation and some of the things I did, I went to the beach, I read and ate torrejas, I also visited Suchitoto, it was a very pleasant vacation, I wish it had lasted longer. 

That would be all, thank you, take care!!👀