lunes, 1 de abril de 2024

Learning styles

 Vacation week, finally a break, and it's time to take full enjoy it, don't drink too much by the way!🥂🌞🌊

Before the long-awaited vacation, we were studying learning styles

Learning styles are derived from Howard Gardner’s 1960s theory of Multiple Intelligences. It states that: “We are all able to know the world through language, logical-mathematical analysis, spatial representation, musical thinking, the use of the body to solve problems or make things, an understanding of other individuals, and an understanding of ourselves.”

We have been doing some tests to determine what type of learning styles we have!

I am a visual learner, I really agree, as I am an observer and I learn while I have visuals or clear indications about something. At the same time, I am a kinesthetic learner, as I always have to be moving to keep my mind busy.

Before I finish, a little bit about my vacation and some of the things I did, I went to the beach, I read and ate torrejas, I also visited Suchitoto, it was a very pleasant vacation, I wish it had lasted longer. 

That would be all, thank you, take care!!👀

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