lunes, 6 de mayo de 2024

Describing learners

 Hi, this is our last blog of the registry, it has felt very long but with a lot of learning in between!!

Describing learners

There are many types of learners. These are sectioned by age, for example:

Young Children

  • Those children up to the ages of 9 or 10 learn differently from older children, adolescents, and adults in the following ways:

  • They respond to meaning even if they do not understand individual words.

  • They often learn indirectly rather than directly

  • They need individual attention and approval from the teacher.

  • They are keen to talk about themselves


  • They need approval, but most of the time, from their peers.
  • If they have a good rapport with their teacher, they can be their teacher’s best “defenders” or “advocates”.
  • They are in a constant search for identity and self-esteem.


  • They can engage with abstract thought.
  • They have expectations about their learning process.
  • They have a whole range of life experiences to draw on.

There also exist:
Learner differences (multiple intelligences, vark)

Motivations & Background 

That's it, thank you, see you later people!!

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