lunes, 27 de mayo de 2024

Group presentantions

 Hello everyone, hope you're doing great!! 

Last week we started our presentations on the topics studied in class. The topics were: grammar, vocabulary, advanced pronunciation, and listening comprehension.

1. Kedim's group :  Basic grammar for beginners

The exercise consisted of making sentences with words that the team gave us, and I did it with the word "believe". 

2. William's group : Vocabulary 

House stuff, the game consisted of guessing household objects and thus refreshing our vocabulary knowledge. 

3. Marvin's group : Advanced pronunciation 

The game was entertaining, it was like a lottery game with words similar to others as we listened to the pronunciations, unfortunately the power went out and we could not finish, but my team won a prize. 

4. Daniela's group : Listening comprehension 

Basically, the activity of this group was to play a Sia song and try to give our opinion about it, and then we watched a video that was about two actors, and they had a very thick accent, so we could show if we understood that kind of accent and slang. 

That's pretty much all, see you soon, take care!!👀

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