lunes, 5 de febrero de 2024

GTM and Direct Method

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog again!

In this week's class we reviewed the grammar translation method and are introduced to the direct method. 

This week we learned important points, for example the direct method can also be known as the "natural method"

Another very important point in the "Teaching grammar" is:

GTM= deductively

DM= inductively

We also studied about the concept of "scaffolding" which basically makes an analogy with the stairs, that is, to climb another step you must have climbed one before, and that what you have learned should not be forgotten, on the contrary, you should always go back to the origins. 

The Direct Method was established in Germany and France around 1900 and constrasts with the Grammar Translation Method. 

The main idea of the direct method is that it focuses more on practice, unlike the GTM which is based on grammatical rules. This does not mean that the direct method does not use the grammatical rules, but rather that since it has already learned them with the GTM, it is based on oral interactions, not translating between two languages, etc... 

Well, that's all for today, I hope you liked it. See you next week, take care!👋

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